Limuru Heights, Nairobi Kenya
Limuru Heights - Watershed, Gradient, Vegetation and Rainfall Pattern
Limuru Kenya - Site Sections
Limuru Kenya - Spine Road Units by S333 Architects
Limuru Kenya - Valley Playground
Limuru Kenya - SuDS Corridor
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Park
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Playground
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Park
Limuru Heights, Nairobi Kenya
Limuru Heights, Nairobi Kenya

Sustainable housing becomes even more important in communities that have to be self-reliant. In Kenya, where the power supply is often intermittent and sewer networks overwhelmed, renewable energy and surface water management are key to a successful development. The Limuru scheme relies on passive housing with photovoltaic power as a key component of the power supply. Microclimate and topography have had a major influence on the layout of the masterplan informing the design of the surface water management strategy.

Limuru Heights - Watershed, Gradient, Vegetation and Rainfall Pattern
Limuru Heights - Watershed, Gradient, Vegetation and Rainfall Pattern
Limuru Kenya - Site Sections
Limuru Kenya - Site Sections
Limuru Kenya - Spine Road Units by S333 Architects
Limuru Kenya - Spine Road Units by S333 Architects
Limuru Kenya - Valley Playground
Limuru Kenya - Valley Playground
Limuru Kenya - SuDS Corridor
Limuru Kenya - SuDS Corridor
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Park
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Park
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Playground
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Playground
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Park
Limuru Kenya - Ridgeline Park