Image of our design for the central space at Ecobuild 2010 entitled 'A River Runs Through'
Peter Wilder will be speaking at Ecobuild 2014 on the very topical issue of surface water management and the UK Floods. Under the subject of Future Resilience – floods, droughts and implications for development he will speak on the successes and failures of UK Water Management Policy in a session entitled “From Sanitation to Sanity – the Changing Perception of Water from Threat to Lifeblood of Our Cities”. “This will be more than a name and shame speech, of which there have been many lately”, explains Wilder, who is currently the Strategic Landscape Architect on the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project for the City of London. “This will be an opportunity to reflect on where the blockages to the successful integration of SUDS and WSUD in the UK lie and how those blockages have been bypassed both in the UK and abroad”.
This seminar is part of the Water, Waste and Materials stream at Ecobuild.